Name(s) of Buildings: Grantham Field; Pacer Stadium; Skyhawk Stadium

Construction Dates: 1964; 1985-1986
Cost $187,000; $350,000 (private funding)
Brief History:
The campus's football field has occupied the same virtually since football began being played here. It was flanked by simple wooden bleachers for years. A new stadium replaced the old football field in 1964 with money donated from local and regional people and businesses. The completion of the stadium increased the seating capacity to 7,000, provided new lights, dressing rooms and concession stands on the west side. In 1986, the stadium was renovated and enhanced further with the completion of the east stands and new R.O.T.C. Building. This combination of state funding and private gifts added another 1,000 seats to the stadium and a new facility for the R.O.T.C. program. The stadium is primarily used for the college's home football games and for some local high school games.
The football field is officially named for H. Kirk Grantham, the only faculty member retained from the staff of the Hall-Moody Junior College, and who was UTJC's first athletic director and head football coach until 1937.