UTM Department of Music has many ensemble opportunities for student musicians of all ability levels. Participation in performance organizations is open to all students regardless of academic major.
Music Service Scholarships may be available and are awarded on a need basis per the ensemble.

University Singers
This is the university’s large, non-auditioned choral ensemble in the music department.
University Singers

New Pacer Singers
This is the smaller, auditioned choral ensemble in the music department.
New Pacer Singers

Wind Ensemble
The Wind Ensemble consists of the finest wind, brass and percussion musicians on campus.
Wind Ensemble

Concert Band
The Concert Band provides a musical environment that challenges individual players as well as focuses on developing skills as an ensemble musician.
Concert Band

Aviators Marching Band & Basketball Band
Our program offers two regularly performing groups throughout the academic year: The Aviators Marching Band (August – November) and the Basketball Band (October – March).
Aviators Marching Band & Basketball Band

UTM Big Band
The UTM Big Band displays the diversity, vibrancy and artistry of jazz, America's greatest art form through the medium of the traditional big band.
UTM Big Band

UTM Small Jazz Group
The UTM Small Jazz Group is comprised of select players from the UTM Big Band to practice and cultivate the fine art of jazz improvisation.
UTM Small Jazz Group

Martin Community Band
The Martin Community Band is open to woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians of all ages, backgrounds, and professions.
Martin Community Band

Contemporary Music Group
The Contemporary Music Group is a flexible-instrumentation ensemble dedicated to performing works written since the turn of the twenty-first century.
Contemporary Music Group

Clarinet Choir
One of the primary goals of the UTM Clarinet Choir is to provide performance opportunities for clarinetists across the campus and throughout the community.
Clarinet Choir

TuEu Ensemble
The UTM Tuba Euphonium (TuEu) Ensemble places an emphasis on large group chamber music.
TuEu Ensemble

Lyric Opera Theatre & Musical Theatre
Each spring semester, the Department of Music presents a full opera or scenes from the standard opera repertoire.
Lyric Opera Theatre & Musical Theatre

Piano Ensemble
The UTM Piano Ensemble presents a concert of music for multiple pianists every semester.
Piano Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble
Dedicated to community engagement, the UTM Percussion Studio provides regular educational clinics and concert opportunities to our community.
Percussion Ensemble

UTM Trombone Choir
The UTM Trombone Choir is designed to serve as an extension of the trombone studio.
UTM Trombone Choir

Brass Quintet
This ensemble is a place to learn and practice the art of playing chamber music in the setting of Brass Quintet (2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba).
Brass Quintet

Horn Ensemble
This ensemble is an opportunity to learn and practice the art of playing chamber music in the setting of Horn Ensemble.
Horn Ensemble

UTM Choro
UTM Choro is an instrumental ensemble established to introduce musicians to Brazilian “Choro” music.
UTM Choro

Community Orchestra
The UTM Community Orchestra is open to all string players of any level, students and community members alike.
Community Orchestra